Thursday 20 October 2011

My Weight Loss Challenge

Why is weight loss so difficult for me. I mean, I am only 31 yrs old. I should have the body of a Greek god. But instead, I have about 25 lbs of unwanted “me” just hanging around. It’s snuck its way into my tummy and what were my favorite T-shirts have now found there way into the back of my closet. It’s snuck its way into my thighs too; I figured this out when my jeans started fitting me like tights.
I am 31 years old for goodness sake. 3 flights of stairs shouldn’t feel like a session at the gym. 3 measly flights! 33 steps!
I must give it props though, this 25 lbs of unwanted me. How, through its “navy seal” type techniques of silence and stealth, snuck its way into my body. How it lured me to eat. And do I love to eat. I mean, this is what memories are made of. Weddings, birthday parties at restaurants, Saturday afternoon Barbeques and food, glorious food.

And now I just can’t lose the weight. Low fat diets don’t work. Low Carb, high protein diets don’t work. Low sugar diets don’t work. Well, they do, for a while. Then as soon as I start eating “normally” again it just piles back on and usually more that I had initially lost. I have become the “fat friend” in my group of friends. The one who gets picked last at sport events.

But not anymore. From today, I change my lifestyle and I change my life. It’s all about balance, portions and exercise. Follow me, better yet join me as I challenge myself to this lifestyle change. With a little bit of help I know I can beat this.

You can too. CLICK HERE and join me on this walk to a new improved you.